German Basketball Federation Training of Trainers 2017

German Basketball Federation Training of Trainers

German Basketball Federation
Cycle Trainer
20-22 October 2017
25 Participants

We were in the Training of Trainers organized by German Basketball Federation for referee trainers. Turkey, Germany, France and Italy Basketball Federations implemented a long-term international project in order to renew the training system for basketball referees in the years 2015-2017. Within the scope of the project, the referee training system was made experiential learning-based and interactive, and a training manual was produced.

The German Basketball Federation conducted a training in order to disseminate this newly developed system throughout the country by organizing a Training of Trainers Program in Berlin on 20-22 October 2017. We as Muderris, had the opportunity to share the latest version of Kolb Learning Styles, Educational Role Profiles and updated methodologies in the field of experiential learning such as debrief model.

  • Experiential Learning Cycle
  • Learning Styles
  • Kolb Trainer Role Profile
  • Analysis (debrief) Model
  • Experiential Learning-Based Program Design