Our Story

Our story

 We all learn from our experiences. We try, feel, observe, create new ideas and try again. Whether we are aware or not, we are in a continuous cycle in our lifelong learning process.

We call this cycle “experiential learning cycle”. We believe that the training programs which is prepared through this approach have a great impact. How do we know?

From ourselves.

When we first met training programs which is prepared through experiential learning methodology, an apple fell on our heads as well. We have seen in ourselves how powerful the game is in raising personal awareness, and that critical thinking and empathy skills are the most fundamental competencies, and all these can only be learned by doing-living.

 We first see change in ourselves. We believed that we should expand and develop this human-oriented learning method which touches our lives. We set out to share the story of the apple which fell on our heads.

Since that day we have been experiencing, creating experiences and sharing experiences.

Briefly DeM..

DeM Experiential Training Centre is an NGO which is established in 2009, aims to develop and promote experiential learning in all areas of education and learning. As DeM; we are conducting research and development studies in the fields of non-formal edıcation, formal education, vocational education and corporate trainings.We established DeM Student Clubs in Marmara and Medipol Universities in Istanbul. Also DeM has a pool of trainers and experts consists of more than 60 educators, researchers conducting R&D works together. We are the founder of International Experiential Learning Network (IELN); we are a member of the United Nations Global Compact Network, Anna Lindh Network, UGK National Volunteering Committee and STEP Sivil Society Education Platform.

Our Mission

We are working for disseminating experiential learning in all areas of education and learning.

Our Vision

We aim to become a global resource centre where theoretical and practical studies are combined in the field of experiential learning.

Our Principles

We are an NGO;
Which works right-based
Which is open to cooperation
Which is prioritizing the culture of democracy
Which is accountable
Which puts experience in the centre
Which designs from bottom to up

Time Journey

First acquaintance with experiential learning…

Everything started with the story of several young people who came together in a student club in Eskisehir Osmangazi University between 2006-2008.

In that period, it was the years when Turkey joined the EU Youth Programs as a program country.

The young team had the opportunity to participate in the EU Youth Projects and to see the youth work in different countries closely after the first EU Youth Exchange Project held in Eskisehir.

It was their first acquaintance with non-formal education and experiential learning.

DeM was established.

The young team, who had been active in European youth work for three years, had started to be trainer in local and international programs. They wanted to do something for the further dissemination of experiential learning.
They imagined an education centre. A centre that learns, grows more as it learns and shares more. Finally, on April 13, 2009, they took the first step of a long journey.

DeM Experiential Training Centre was established in Eskisehir.

DeM is growing…

DeM has begun to develop its capacity and started to play a more active role in education and youth programs since its establishment.

  • In 2010, it joined to United Nations Global Compact.
  • In 2010, it has become an accredited institution in European Voluntary Service Program.
  • In 2011, it has chosen to the Board of Directors of Eskisehir Civilian Local Formation Platform.
  • In 2011, it became one of the first contact points of Eurodesk, the European
  • Youth Information Network. It launched Eurodesk TV which is Turkey’s youth information online channel broadcasting.
  • In 2012, the DeM International network was established, and a global collaboration was launched to create an international network in the field of experiential learning with non-governmental organizations from 6 countries in Europe.

DeM moved to Istanbul…

  • In 2013, DeM moved to Istanbul as a result of its increasing capacity and global cooperation in the DeM International Network.
  • Mustafa Erdoğan, one of the founders of DeM and his team with Volkan Müderrisoğlu who is one of the most experienced trainer of our country, and his team came together under the roof of DeM.
  • The journey, which began in 2009 for the dissemination of experiential learning turned to a new direction in the development of experiential learning along with this togetherness.

DeM Youth was established.

The DeM journey first started in 2006 with the work of a university student club.

In 2014, university student clubs were established under the roof of DeM by a group of young people whose were university students. The young team, who founded DeM student clubs first in Marmara University and later in Medipol University, launched DeM Youth Network.

DeMGAH was established.

In 2016, DeM organized its first unique Training of Trainers Program. 15 teachers and 15 trainers were given a long-term training that included synthesis of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory and Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Outcomes of practices in formal education and non-formal education were shared in the Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed, the first book published by DeM.

Together with the new trainers participating into the DeM journey, DeMGÂH, which will serve as Training and Resource Centre under the roof of DeM, was established.

Summit of Experiential Learning

In February 2017, DeM organized Turkey’s first Experiential Learning Summit. At the summit where David Kolb was connected via teleconference, the approach of Experiential Pedagogy of Oppressed was shared with important representatives of the field of education.

V. Experiential Learning Conference, USA

DeM was invited to 5. Experiential Learning Conference which was held in USA in June 2017.

DeM put a significant milestone on its journey with a conference which held fifth time, organized by the Institute for Experiential Learning, led by David KOLB, the founder of Experiential Learning Theory.