The purpose of the “Experiential Leadership” project was to boost the leadership knowledge, abilities, and attitudes of youth workers from International Experiential Learning Network member countries.


As a result of the implementation of the training course between 29.05.2022 – 05.06.2022, the below objectives and their outcome on the participants are observed:


  1. By the end of this project, the selected youth workers have increased their knowledge of leadership- they will be able to define it, identify its hard and soft associated skills, recognize the qualities of a good leader, and understand how to unleash their own leadership potential using the experiential learning theory as a basis.


  1. By being actively involved in this project, the selected youth workers have developed the hard and soft leadership skills needed to lead themselves and the youth they work with.


  1. By the end of this project, the selected youth workers have understood the importance of leadership for their personal and professional development as youth workers and increased their awareness of the attitudes they should uphold to be effective leaders.


Topics that were covered through this training course include:  

  • What is Leadership? 
  • What is a Leader? 
  • Self-Awareness, 
  • Personality Styles, 
  • Learning Styles, 
  • Educator Styles,
  • Teambuilding in Leadership,
  • Personal Competences,
  • Self-Directed Learning,
  • Motivation,
  • Values,
  • Leadership Styles,
  • Leadership around Experiential Learning Cycle,
  • Digital Tools for Leadership,
  • Digital Wellbeing,
  • The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback


The non-formal education and experiential learning methods were used such as: 

  • Personal/ self-reflection
  • Self-directed learning
  • Pair sharing
  • Living Library
  • Working in groups
  • Organization Market
  • Brainstorming experiences
  • Training games
  • Facilitated discussions
  • Interactive presentations
  • Self-assessments
  • Workshops


DAY 1 (30.05.2022)

  • Welcome activities
  • Welcoming ceremony
  • Getting to know each other
  • Co-creating the program with self-assessment and need analysis
  • Experiential learning
  • Self-reflection

The activities selected aim to develop group cohesion, a safe zone, and trust among participants. Through the “Youthpass & 8 key competencies Teambuilding” workshop, participants built their first team challenge and later used the team learning report to better understand their team. Also, participants co-created the program with trainers using Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed techniques. After that, participants were introduced and dove deep into Experiential Learning.


DAY 2 (31.05.2022)

  • Self Awareness: Kolb Learning Styles
  • Group and Self-reflection on learning
  • Self Awareness: Kolb Educator Role Profile
  • Group and Self-reflection on educator roles
  • Organization and ideas market
  • Living Library


DAY 3 (01.06.2022)

  • Teambuilding in leadership
  • Personal competences
  • Sharing or realities in Youth Work
  • Self-directed learning/motivation
  • Self reflection
  • Intercultural night


DAY 4 (02.06.2022)

  • Introduction of leadership
  • Leadership styles
  • Leading around the Experiential Learning Cyrcle
  • Digital tools in leadership/digital wellbeing
  • Self-reflection


DAY 5 (03.06.2022)

  • International experiential learning potential
  • Create your own leadership product
  • Future steps/action plan
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Self-reflection


DAY 6 (04.06.2022)

  • Self-reflection
  • Open space discussions and parking lot
  • Evaluation and feedback
  • Youthpass ceremony and farewell event

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