Greece Study Visit

Greece Study Visit

Within the scope of the Experiential Learning Project, the study visit of the Youth Workers was held between 26-30 September 2016 in Athens, Greece.In this study visit;

  • Ali Özaslan; GEGED Project Coordinator
  • Asena Günesen; Social worker
  • Buket Gökten; Counseling and Guidance
  • Eda Bayraktar; Storyteller
  • Nazlı İrem Azak; Counseling and Guidance
  • Nuri Soyucak; Youth Leader
  • Orhun Yağız; Attorney
  • Ömer Faruk İdiş; Student – Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • Ömer Faruk Koçhan; Student – Department of Civil Engineering
  • Tansu Can; Social worker
  • Tugba Ata; Psycholog
  • Tuncer Dursun; industrial engineer
  • Yunus Emre Benli; Sociologist

attended and participants in civil society in Turkey, the different studies conducted by different professional groups, non-governmental employees who are active in the youth field.

The first step of the project in Istanbul, Silivri, who came together again during the study visit of the training of civil society workers in Athens’ Civil Society at what level? ‘,’Does civil society become a sector?  ‘,’ How should be the cooperation between the government and civil society? ‘,’ What are the good examples of the successful NGO and its work in Athens? ‘,’ How can the synthesis of Experimental Learning and Freire’s approach be established? ‘,’ What are the points to take into consideration in local practices? ‘,’ What about civil society practices in youth in Greece?”


IASIS was established in 2005 and is a non-governmental organization that provides psychosocial counseling and treatment services to people when they need it.

IASIS -General Purposes

  • Operating units that host for vulnerable social groups in the community
  • Providing early diagnosis and treatment services for adults and their families
  • Accepts adults with psychiatric disorders and  organizes and processes the qualified units to it organizes and processes the necessary units to provide them with qualified care.
  • Providing supportive and counseling services during treatment and organization of these services
  • Providing specialized psychiatric service and psycho-educational supports
  • Raise awareness of the families of adults in this situation about their needs
  • Therapeutic treatment of mental disorders and socialization in moderate diagnoses
  • Mediating the raising of awareness of public (social responsibility, etc.) and specific (immigration, person in need of nursing ect.) social issues
  • Building a network within the community to ensure the continuity of quality care provided and for this reason, cooperation with hospitals and other psychiatric units should be ensured.
  • Mental health education with health experts
  • Conducting research programs



  • Individuals with mental disorders
  • Individuals with mental disabilities
  • Immigrants and asylum seekers
  • Women victims of violence
  • Children and individuals in adolescence
  • Young convicts
Institution Visits and Sessions

September 27, 2016

  • Presentation of IASIS
  • Visit to IASIS Hostel
  • Visit to the Mental Health Unit
  • Day Center for Homeless People
  • Workshop – ASSANTE, Evaggelia Delavekoura
September 28, 2016
  • Visit to the MELLON Shelter House
  • A separate report has been created for Mellon Visit.
  • Workshop – Non-violence Communication, Antonis Bertos

September 29, 2016

  • Workshop – Mustafa Erdoğan
  • Dinner – Dypilo Greek Cultral Night
IASIS – Mental Health Unit, 1st Day
It is stated that the institution is an institution between the standard normal life and the life between the clinic and the individual normal except for individuals with mental disorders.This institutionalization; In order to ensure the development and improvement of Greece in the EU, but due to the non-compliance with Greece’s human rights in the field of psychiatry, the European Union provided grants.As a result of these supports, these institutions are formed and known as the “Greek System” in the world.
It was emphasized that psychiatry is a very different branch of science and should not be confused with other sciences because it should not be forgotten that the treatment is not a disease but a human being.Humanity, which is a movement in the 21st century, focuses on the fact that every human being is special and unique, which is the basis of psychiatry.Schizophrenia was also discussed.Schizophrenia is different from the other mental health and schizophrenia in a situation such as disturbing the third parties was mentioned.In fact, the media was also complaining about the publication of news that exposed too much labeling for schizophrenics. Because for schizophrenia, it was said that there was a tendency to commit murderaccording to public.
The term “Enaistisia” was mentioned.In fact, this concept expresses the competence of the individual and has a fundamental importance in terms of treatment.This competence occurs in two ways: Recognizing the illness and wanting to heal.The importance of this concept in the treatment of mental disorders and diseases was emphasized by the employees at the Unit and the team was discussed in depth.
Day Centre for Homeless People, 1.Day
The other institution is not a shelter for homeless people, but rather a shelter for homeless people based on their self-interest, socialization and psychological health. In this institution, homeless people can take showers, watch TV, play games, wash their clothes and sum up a variety of basic needs. In addition, a limited number of homeless shelters are provided with a certain period of time.
Although psychological support was provided in this institution, it was one of the important issues that the homeless do not want too much, and they are more focused on their physiological and daily needs.
Workshop – ASSANTE, Evaggelia Delavekoura, 1.Day
In this study, youth workers of our team and IASIS EVS volunteers ,led by Evagelia, conducted first meeting and merging activities. Later, they were involved in an internal process by group activities, referring to the importance of group work to make decisions and to act together. Drama activities were carried out in order to develop their creativity and learning skills, regardless of the meaning of the Greek language, which was divided into groups and given to them.
This process was both enjoyable and pleasant to learn together. We concluded the session with a ten-minute reflection.
Mellon Asylum-study visit, 2. Day
Another of our work was visits to Mellon’s Asylum House and detailed information about the services offered at the asylum house was obtained. A separate report was prepared for Mellon’s study visit. This report can be reviewed for details.

Workshop – Non-violence Communication, Antonis Bertos, 2. Day

Youth workers talked about the ”Violence” as well as the institution visits. It was said that the violence was verbal violence rather than physical violence, and that verbal violence was used in two different languages. These are giraffe language and coyote language. Four points to consider in communication;

1. Observation
2. Feeling
3. Needs
4. Request ( not demand)

To be able to observe the evaluation mentioned in the first stage. It is the person who gives himself time for the person to recognize the other person and then turns to the inner world and realizes the feeling he feels after trying to see the details. After realizing their needs, it is conveyed to the other person using the ‘I language’.


Workshop – Mustafa Erdoğan, 3. Day

Comments, ideas and practical suggestions were discussed on Paulo Freire’s book, The Pedagogy of the oppressed, and two articles included in the reading list. In this session, the dialogue meetings to be held within the scope of local implementation were also shared and practical preparatory work
was carried out.

It was discussed that knowledge, theory and philosophy of education should be in order to transition from subject to subject rather than subject to object relationship in education and to provide interactive learning.


1.Layer 2.Layer 3.Layer
Banker Education Model Needs Analysis Domestication
Descriptive Problem Solving  Coding Linguistic Universe
Easter Experience  Code Reconstruction

In the first layer, all things are thought over, in fact, they are created from the beginning. According to Freire, ” knowledge is always a process, and it arises as a result of people’s conscious action on the objective reality that conditions them” and the aim of education is to differentiate the critical ability to change the learner’s society and to become conscious or to develop this consciousness.It is the process of learning to learn more in the dialogue process than in the ready knowledge, that is, becoming more active learners than passive learners.

The second layer is to analyze the dialogue process initiated in order to realize the needs of data collection before and after the target audience rather than to analyze the needs as stereotypical. It is the talking and discussion of needs with tools such as pictures and videos. In the final phase of the road map for educators to draw new trends and new tools are under development.

The final phase to draw the road map for educators, developing new orientations and new tools.

As a result of the first step of the training in Silivri and the knowledge we gained during the Athens-study visit, we have evaluated the pedagogy and experiential learning concept of the oppressed and the issues to be considered in the localization in accordance with our geography and the suggestions on this subject with different perspectives.

In this session for local applications (1) Approach, (2) A needs analysis, and (3) Adaptation/Localization (educational tools) to transfer knowledge and interpretations was carried out.

1) Approach

  • Banker Training : Subject-Object Relationship
  • Problem-defining Training : the relationship between subject and subject
  • Easter experience : dying as an educator and being born again as an educator-learner.
  • Dialogue : we will share the process with the local practices process and the reports in writing and the evaluations we will make together as a healer.

2) Needs Analysis

The need analysis is the keystone of the Bridge that we will create between the participants and researcher/instructor-learner. As stated in the Pedagogy of the oppressed, CODING and DECODING TECHNIQUES will be applied for this purpose and need analysis will be taken into consideration in the design of the training program.Comments and evaluations were made on this subject together.These comments and evaluations in the “facts” about the levels of their understanding, these levels reflect the language they use while giving importance to views about the world and focuses on.

3) Adaptation

It is stated that the adaptation phase of training tools is not compulsory for all participants in local applications, but it is possible to create the BRIDGE through dialogue meetings and that the trainers who think that they have been exchanged through this bridge can make this adaptation work in terms of the training program. Regarding adaptation, the theme of “linguistic universe” was mentioned. In addition, during the process of adaptation, it was noted with the suggestions of the participants that “control points” should be established in order to realize the process objectively and in accordance with its objectives.

Dinner – Dypilo Greek Culture Night, 3. Day

On the last day, youth workers sang their songs accompanied by Greek music and food and had fun as well as giving joy to the people around them.

Authors: Buket GÖKTEN & Orhun YAĞIZ


