Erasmus+ KA2 The Heart of Communities Project

Erasmus+ KA2 Heart of Communities Projesi

About Project

“@The Haert of Communities” Project, which is financed by European Commision in the scope of Erasmus+ and implementing with the partnership of Experiential Training Center, aims the empowerment of young people in local, regional, national, in Europe or at global level and encourage active citizenship.



  • HEC (Higher Education Commision) – ENGLAND
  • CIPFP (Centre Integrat Public the Formasio Proffesion) MISERICORDIA- SPAIN
  • Deneyimsel Egitim Merkezi Dernegi – TURKEY

Role of DeM

Partner of Project


Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership in School Field


2018 September – 2021 March

The Heart of Communities Evaluation Meeting with Pupils

Within the scope of the Heart of Communities Project, our project presentation meeting took place on 13-18 October 2019 in Italy. Since the first activity 

The Heart of Communities Evaluation Meeting With Pupils

Our pupils took part in the training week in London between 10-17 March as part of our The Heart of Communities project. Pupils, after the 

The Heart of Communities England Training Week

Last week, a preparatory meeting was held in Istanbul for the UK training week. The training was held on 10-17 March 2019 in London. To 

The Heart of Communities We’re Getting Ready for England

Pupils who will participate in the “The Heart of Communities Project”s training in UK became together in İstanbul. During the preparatory meeting held on March 

The Heart of Communities Started in England

In order to work on our project ”The Heart of Communities, we have held our 1st international project meeting in London. The meeting was hosted